
File format

Parameter files for holoaverage are plain text files with a JSON ( compatible syntax. Such files can be edited by any text editor. The whole parameter set must be a JSON object. Beside pure JSON the parser also allows Javascript-like comments (line and block comments), as well as trailing commas. See the Tutorial for example files.

When a parameter file is provided, holoaverage expects it to be in UTF-8 encoding (see Wikipedia article for details). For parameters from stdin it uses the standard Python encoding (you can use the PYTHONIOENCODING environment variable to override this behavior).

File pathes / File formats

Some parameters are file pathes. All file pathes are relative to the directory, where the parameter file is located. If the parameters are read from stdin, the pathes are relative to the current directory. This behavior can be changed by setting the path parameter (see description of parameter for details).

Within a path forward slashes (/) as well as backslashes (\\) both are treated as path separators. Internally all pathes are normalized to the platform’s separator (e.g. backslashes on Windows platforms).

In JSON strings the backslash character is used as escape sequences with special meaning. For this reason, if you wan’t to write a single backslash (like in a Windows path separator) into a JSON string you always have to put in a double backslash. For example the JSON string "this\\is\\my\\path" becomes the path this\is\my\path.

Some file types allow to pass additional parameters to the file reader. These parameters are separated from the file name by a question mark (?). The parameters itself are separated by an ampersand (&). Parameters have a parameter name and a value, both separated by a equal sign (=).

Changed in version 1.1.2: Separation of parameters by ampersand (instead of question marks), like in HTTP query strings.

For instance the path some_file.raw?xsize=1024&ysize=1024&dtype=int32 is interpreted as file name some_file.raw with three parameters named xsize (value 1024), ysize (value 1024) and dtype (value int32).

The file type is recognized from the extension. You can manually select the file type by passing the parameter type with an extension described below as value (e.g. file.hdf5?type=dm3 is read as DM3-file even if its has the extension of a different file type.

Supported file types are:

Digital Micrograph 3 Files

File Extension:dm3
Description:Sampling, Acceleration voltage and camera binning are read from file if possible.

Hierarchical Data Format 5

File Extension:

hdf5, h5


Sampling, Acceleration voltage and camera binning must be given in parameters.

  • dataset - The name of the dataset (required).

Raw binary files

File Extension:



Sampling, Acceleration voltage and camera binning must be given in parameters.

  • xsize - Width of the image in pixels(required).
  • ysize - Height of the image in pixels(required).
  • dtype - Datatype (required; numpy compatible description: int32, uint16, complex64, float32, F4, …)
  • offset - Number of bytes to skip at file head (optional, defaults to 0)
  • swap_bytes - Whether the bytes should be swapped (optional; 0 or 1; defaults to 0)

Parameter reference

This reference gives a description of the parameters. The format field gives the expected type(s) of the parameter. The actual types depend on whether the parameters are used in a JSON parameter file or as a Python object. The corresponding types are:

Format JSON parameter file Python
None/Null null None
Boolean false or true False or True
Integer Number type Type int
String String type Type str
List Array type Type list
Dictionary Object type Type dict with str keys


Type:Optional (default is false)
Description:Switch, which determines whether the object reconstructions should be aligned for defocus variations. Due to instabilities of the microscope’s stage or lens currents the defocus between the individual exposures of the series might drift. When this switch is set to true, the program tries to detect defocus deviations in the object hologram series.


Type:Optional (default is true)
Description:Switch, which determines whether the object reconstructions should be aligned for specimen drift. When this switch is set to true, the program tries to shift all object holograms to a common position during the averaging step. This “fine” alignment is performed independently from the “raw” alignment, which is controlled by the parameter enable_raw_alignment.


Type:Optional (default is false)
Description:Switch, which determines whether the object reconstructions should be aligned for drift of the sideband position. Such a drift might occur when the voltage supply of the biprism is not stable. Usually this alignment is not needed.





Optional (by default value of parameter cut_off is taken)


Floating point number


Reciprocal nanometer (1/nm)


The value specified by this parameter is taken as cut-off frequency for the low pass used in the raw alignment step. For the raw alignment low pass, always a hard aperture (edge function) is taken. Please note, that if a wrong sampling is specified, the value of this parameter does not refer to the correct spatial frequency.

If this parameter is not given, the value of the parameter cut_off or cut_off2 is used.

New in version 1.1.5.





Optional (by default region from parameter roi is taken)


List of four integers




[left, top, right, bottom] pixel coordinates of the region used for raw alignment of the object holograms. This region can be specified independently from the reconstruction region (as given by roi).

If this parameter is not given the reconstruction region roi is also used for raw alignment.


Type:Optional (taken from input files by default).
Description:Binning used for recording of the holograms. This parameter affects, how the parameterization of the MTF (see mtf) is interpreted. If this parameter is not given, the binning is taken from the image files. If the image files provide no binning, it is assumed to be one.


Format:List of two Strings
Description:Per pixel displacements due to camera distortions. The optics of the camera itself produce small displacements. This parameter contains two filenames. The first filename contains an array with the X-displacement of each pixel. The second filename contains the Y-displacements. The referenced arrays must have the same dimensions as the holograms. The displacements are given in units of pixels. These displacements are only used, if the parameter synthesize_empty is set.


Format:Floating point number
Unit:Reciprocal nanometer (1/nm)
Description:This parameter defines in combination with the parameter filter_func, how the masking of the sideband in Fourier space is done. This is typically the radius of the mask used. The smaller this is chosen, the lower the resolution of the reconstructions will be. However, smaller values will spatially average the reconstructions more, thus decreasing the noise present in the holograms (at the cost of larger spatial correlations). Please note, that if a wrong sampling is specified, the value of this parameter does not refer to the correct spatial frequency. Instead of this parameter the parameter cut_off2 can be specified.





Alternative to (cut_off)


2x2 matrix of floating point numbers (list of two lists of two floats)


Reciprocal nanometer squared (1/nm2)


This parameter extents the functionality of the parameter cut_off for non-isotropic masking. For a general description of the overall parameter see cut_off. For a masking with radius a along the major axis with an angle of alpha to the x-axis and a radius of b along the minor axis, specify

\[\begin{split}\mathrm{cut\_off2} = R^T \cdot \left[ \begin{array}{cc} a^2 & 0 \\ 0 & b^2 \\ \end{array}\right] \cdot R\end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}R = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} \cos(\alpha) & \sin(\alpha) \\ -\sin(\alpha) & \cos(\alpha) \\ \end{array}\right]\end{split}\]

If this parameter is specified, the parameter cut_off must not be present.

Raw alignment still uses isotropic filtering with the geometric mean of both radii as radius.

New in version 1.1.4.


Type:Optional (default is 0.0 nm)
Format:Floating point number
Description:Defocus of first object hologram (hologram with index given by object_first). Negative focus values refer to underfocus. The reconstructed (averaged) object hologram is propagated to the Gaussian focus (i.e. defocus of zero) during reconstruction. No propagation of the reconstructed hologram is performed, when the defocus of an hologram is given as zero. The empty holograms are never propagated. Please note, that if the sampling of the holograms (see sampling) or the acceleration voltage (see voltage) are wrongly specified, the propagation will be performed wrongly. Also note, that if the defocus is specified wrongly, the holograms will be be propagated to a different focus than the Gaussian one.


Type:Optional (default is 0.0 nm)
Format:Floating point number
Description:Step of defocus between consecutive object holograms in the series. This is intended for the case that the hologram series is also a focal series, where every hologram has a different defocus. Defaults to 0.0 nm (all object holograms were taken at same defocus).


Type:Optional (default is empty list)
Format:List of integers
Description:A list of empty hologram indices, which should not be used for averaging. See object_exclude for the rationale of this parameter. By default this list is empty and all empty holograms in the given range are used.


Description:Index of first hologram in the empty hologram series.


Description:Index of last hologram (inclusive) in the empty hologram series.





(see Description)


String or list of string


If this parameter is a list of strings, the list compromises the filenames of the empty hologram series. In this case the parameters empty_first, empty_last, and empty_exclude are ignored.

If this parameter is a single string, it represents the pattern used to form the file name of the empty hologram series. See object_names for the description of the format of this pattern.

If the parameter empty_names is not present in the parameter file, no empty hologram series will be reconstructed and averaged. In this case, the parameters empty_first, empty_last are not needed.

Changed in version 1.1.6: Instead of specifying a filename pattern, also a list of filenames can be supplied.


Description:File name of empty hologram used for normalization. If this parameter is present in the parameter files the empty hologram will be read from this file (see File pathes / File formats for format) and the parameters empty_names, empty_first, empty_last, and empty_size are ignored.


Type:Optional (default is given by parameter object_size)
Description:Size of the reconstructed empty hologram. See object_size for details concerning this parameter. For normalization of the reconstructed object holograms the reconstructed empty hologram is interpolated to the size of the object holograms (before its cropped to the roi region) by zero-padding. If parameter empty_size is missing, it is substituted by object_size.





Optional (default is true)




Enables the raw alignment. If the raw alignment is disabled, the region of interest is taken from the same area in each hologram of the object hologram series. Otherwise, the region of interest is tracked across the series.

New in version 1.1.





Optional (default is "EDGE")


see below


This parameter gives the function that will be used in combination with the parameter cut_off for masking the sideband in Fourier space. The format of this parameter is either a string describing the filter function, or a list with the function name as first element and further parameters in the remaining list.

If filter_func is "EDGE", an edge function is used. This corresponds to a hard mask at the cut_off spatial frequency. If the edge function is chosen, you might observe “ringing” artifacts in the reconstructions especially at the borders or at “hot pixels”.

If filter_func is "GAUSSIAN", a Gaussian function is used. The Gaussian is chosen such that a 1/e fall-off is reached at the cut_off spatial frequency.

If filter_func is ["BUTTERWORTH", order], a Butterworth function of the given order is used. This corresponds to a soft mask at the cut_off spatial frequency. The lower the order of the Butterworth function is, the softer this filter becomes.

If this parameter is not given, the edge function is used.


Description:Parameterization of the camera MTF. The reconstruction are corrected for the effects of MTF (by dividing the Fourier transformed holograms by the MTF). See Modulation Transfer Function for details on the specification of this parameter. If this parameter is not given, no MTF correction is performed.


Type:Optional (default is empty list)
Format:List of integers
Description:A list of object hologram indices, which should not be used for averaging. Usually all holograms with indices between object_first and object_last (inclusive) are used for averaging. Any indices occurring in this list are not used. For example with object_first of 1, object_last of 5, and object_exclude set to [3, 4] only object holograms with indices 1, 2, and 5 are used, since indices 3 and 4 were explicitly excluded. By default, this list is empty and all object holograms in the given range are used.


Description:Index of first hologram in the object hologram series.


Description:Index of last hologram (inclusive) in the object hologram series.





(see Description)


String or list of string


If this parameter is a list of strings, the list compromises the filenames of the object hologram series. In this case the parameters object_first, object_last, and object_exclude are ignored.

If the parameter is a single string, this string describes a pattern how to create the filenames of the object hologram series. Typically a series hologram file names contain an increasing number. The number in this parameter is encoded with the printf-style format rules (old-style formating in python). For instance simple numbers can be expressed as %d and become 1, 2, 3, etc. If you want to have zero padded three digit numbers use %03d, which becomes 001, 002, 003, etc. Due to this formatting rules you have to write a double percent sign (i.e. %%) if you want a single % in your filename.

If the parameter object_names is not present in the parameter file, only the empty hologram series will be reconstructed and averaged. In this case, the parameters object_first, object_last, and object_size are not needed.

Changed in version 1.1.6: Instead of specifying a filename pattern, also a list of filenames can be supplied.


Description:Size of the reconstructed object hologram. Reconstructed holograms always have same size in width and height. This size in pixels is given by this parameter. The roi of the object holograms is scaled to this size during the reconstruction (by cropping in Fourier space). This parameter should be larger than the diameter of filter used during the reconstruction (see cut_off parameter). For performance reasons a number with low prime factors should be chosen, e.g. prefer 384 = 3 * 2^7 over 383 (prime).


Type:Optional (default is false)
Description:Switch, which determines how the object reconstructions are normalized. When this parameter is true, the normalization is performed by dividing the individual reconstructed object holograms by the reconstructed (and averaged) empty hologram. This normalizes the object holograms in amplitude in phase. However, if the reconstructed empty hologram contains regions, where the amplitude is very small, the normalization will cause artifacts. Such cases typically occur when the interference region, does not cover the whole image. When this parameter is true, only the phases of the reconstructed holograms are normalized.


Type:Optional (default is false)
Description:When set to true, the region of interest of the individual object holograms (before reconstruction) are also stored in the output file.









Name of the output file. The output(s) will be always stored in HDF5 format.

Changed in version 1.1: The parameter was renamed from output to output_name.





Optional (Defaults to empty string)




Prefix to dataset names in output file. By using the prefix multiple outputs can be written to the same HDF5 file. Especially forward slashes can be used in output_prefix to create the outputs in sub-groups. As example, if the value of output_prefix would be alpha_, the dataset data is saved as alpha_data in the output file.

New in version 1.1.


Type:Optional (default is false)
Description:When set to true, also the individual object hologram reconstructions are stored in the output file. The averaged hologram (and the variance estimation obtained during averaging) are always stored in the output file. The individual reconstructions of the empty hologram series are never stored.


Type:Optional (default is none)
Description:All (relative) file names are relative to this path. Absolute file names are still absolute. If this parameter itself is not an absolute path, the path is taken relative to the path of the parameter file (current directory, if the parameters are read from stdin). By default this path is left empty, which means all file names are relative to the parameter file path (or the current directory, when the parameters are read from stdin; see File pathes / File formats).





Optional (default is full image region)


List of four integers.




[left, top, right, bottom] pixel coordinates of the region of interest (ROI) in the first object hologram (as given by parameter object_first). The ROI is always a rectangular region. In the raw alignment step (Overview) of the hologram series the position of this ROI is aligned to the drift of the object, such that always the same object region is taken from each hologram.

The left and top pixel positions given here refer to the top, left corner in this rectangular region (inclusive). The right and bottom positions refer to the bottom, right corner (exclusive), which means they refer the pixel coordinate adjacent to right (bottom) edge of the ROI. X coordinates are going from left to right, Y coordinates are going form top to bottom. For performance reasons, the size of the ROI, i.e. right - left and bottom - top, should have only low prime-factors, e.g. prefer 384 = 3 * 2^7 over 383 (prime).

If this value is not given, the whole object hologram region is taken as ROI.





Optional (taken from input files by default)


Floating point number


Nanometer per pixel


Sampling of the object and empty holograms. The number given by this parameter corresponds to the size of a single pixel of the holograms. If this parameter is not given, the sampling from the image files is taken. Otherwise this parameter overrides the sampling given in the files.

Please note that all holograms, independently of being part of the object or empty series must have the same sampling. Also only image files with samplings given in nanometer per pixel are supported. If the sampling recorded in the image files is wrong (or the file format does not provides this metadata), the sampling parameter must be set explicitly.


Format:List of two floating point numbers.
Description:[X,Y] position of the sideband in the Fourier transformed image files. When the discrete Fourier transform of the holograms is calculated and the Fourier transform is shifted such that the Fourier space origin is in the center of the transformed images (like the numpy commands np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(image)) would do), this parameter refers to the pixel position of the sideband to be reconstructed.


Type:Optional (default is false)
Description:When set to true, the reconstructed object hologram series is normalized by a synthetic empty hologram instead of an experimental empty hologram. The synthesized empty hologram is calculated from the provided camera distortions. If synthesize_empty is set, the parameters camera_distortions and empty_size must be also given. If synthesize_empty is set, other emtpy holograms (provided either by empty_names or empty_override) are ignored.


Type:Optional (taken from input files by default)
Format:Floating point number
Description:Acceleration voltage used during acquisition of the holograms. If this parameter is not given it is taken from the holograms files. This parameter must be given explicitly, if the acceleration voltage cannot be read from the hologram files.

Modulation Transfer Function

The modulation transfer function (MTF) of the camera used for acquisition of the individual holograms is specified in parameterized form.

In the following, it is assumed the MTF is a 2 dimensional function \(M(q_x, q_y)\) of the two dimensional spatial frequency \((q_x, q_y)\). A spatial frequency of +/-0.5 gives the Nyquist frequency of the detector. The MTF consists then of two parts, one due to the binning into pixels, and the other part due to the beam broadening within the detector/scintillator.

\[M(q_x, q_y) = \mathrm{sinc}(q_x) \mathrm{sinc}(q_y) \sum_n f_n(q)\]

The effect of the binning is described by the two sinc functions, here defined as

\[\mathrm{sinc}(q) = \sin(\pi q) / (\pi q).\]

The beam broadening in the above parameterization is described by a sum over functions \(f_n(q)\), where

\[q = \sqrt{q_x^2 + q_y^2}.\]

These functions are specified in the parameter file as a list of terms, where each term describes one function \(f_n(q)\). The terms itself are again lists, where the first element always is a string describing the kind of function and the other elements are parameters to the function.

Possible terms are:

  • ["CONSTANT", A]
\[f(q) = A\]
  • ["GAUSSIAN, A, B]
\[f(q) = A \exp(-B q^2)\]
  • ["LORENTZIAN", A, B]
\[f(q) = A / (B + q^2)\]

As example, if the MTF of the detector is given by:

\[M(q_x, q_y) = \mathrm{sinc}(q_x) \mathrm{sinc}(q_y) \left[ 0.8 \exp(-0.03 q^2) + 0.2 \right]\]

the parameterization as specified by the mtf parameter is

mtf = [["GAUSSIAN", 0.8, 0.03], ["CONSTANT", 0.2]]