
The holoaverage program is controlled by a parameter file, which is supplied to the program as argument. Section Parameters explains the individual parameters and the format of the file itself. The general flow of the program is sketched in the following figure, the steps of the program are explained in more detail below.


Object series

The main input to the program is a series of object holograms. Off-axis holograms interfere two regions of the specimen. In object holograms one of these regions is the area of interest, the other is the reference region (typically a vacuum area). This is in contrast to empty holograms (see Empty series), where typically both regions only contain vacuum.

The program loads the object holograms from a set of numbered files. The parameter object_names gives these filenames and also describes how the file number is encoded within the filename.

For example, if the filenames are object_001.dm3, object_002.dm3, object_003.dm3, … the filenames are constructed by combing object_ with a zero padded, three digit number and the extension .dm3. This would be encoded by the value object_%03d.dm3 for the parameter object_names. The %03d within the parameter describes a zero padded, three digit decimal number.

If the filenames would be object.1.dm3, object.2.dm3, object.3.dm3, … the value object.%d.dm3 for the parameter object_names should be used.. %d in that case describes a simple decimal number without any padding.

A extensive description on this number enconding is given in the old-style formating rules of Python.

The interval of numbers constituting the series is given by the parameter values of object_first and object_last, which give the first and last number of range (inclusive). Additionally, it is possible to exclude images with specific numbers from the series, for instance if one image is very noises or otherwise unisuitable. This can be achieved by specifying these unwanted image numbers in the list object_exclude.

For a list of supported image formats see Section File pathes / File formats. That section also describes, how to specify which specific dataset of multi-dataset data formats should be used. The program itself has to know certain metadata for the input series. These metadata are the size of one pixel, i.e. the spatial sampling rate, and the used acceleration voltage and the camera binning (the later is needed for correction from the modulation transfer function). The program will take these metadata from the input files (if the input file format provides these information). Otherwise, these informations must be explicitly provided by the parameters sampling, voltage, and binning. If these parameters are provided, the parameter values will used even if the input files also provide these data. This can be used to override the input file information, e.g. for the case where the sampling rate in the input file is incorrect.

Raw alignment and ROI selection

During the acquisition of the series it may happen that the specimen drifts. These specimen drifts are detected in the raw alignment step. The phase correlation function (see [Meyer02]) of the central band between consecutive images of the series is used for the detection of these drifts. For selection of the central band a low-pass filter is needed. The cut-off frequency for this low-pass can be specified by the parameter align_cut_off (in reciprocal nanometers). If no value is for align_cut_off is provided, the same cut off frequency as used for the hologram reconstruction is used, as given by parameter cut_off.

A region of interest (ROI) from which eventually the holograms are reconstructed can be specified by the roi parameters. The region of interest is specified by giving the left, top, right, and bottom pixel coordinates of the selected rectangle of the first image in the object series. The detected specimen drift over the series is used to move the ROI rectangular in such a way, that always the same specimen region is selected. If the ROI drifts out of the area covered by the image, the missing values are filled up by the average intensity. The program crops each hologram of the object series to this ROI.

The raw alignment detection by default is performed in the same ROI, which is later also used for holographic reconstruction. It is also possible, to select a different region for alignment than the region that is later used for reconstruction, by specyfying an alignment ROI using the parameter align_roi. It is also possible to disable the raw alignment by setting the enable_raw_alignment parameter to false.

Within the program the aligned ROIs of the object series are internally forwarded to the reconstruction step. By default the aligned ROIs are not saved into the output file. When the output_aligned parameter is true, the aligned ROIs are also saved as dataset aligned_rois.

Holographic Reconstruction

All (aligned) holograms are reconstructed individually. The reconstruction is performed as described in [Lehmann02] for each hologram:

  1. The hologram is Fourier transformed.
  2. The modulation transfer function (MTF) is deconvoluted from the hologram. Basically this is done by dividing the Fourier transformed hologram by the MTF. The MTF is passed to the program by the mtf parameter (see Modulation Transfer Function for a detailed description of the parameter).
  3. The transformed data is recentered in Fourier space, such that the sideband is moved to the origin. For this position of the sideband (corresponding to the 2D carrier frequency) must be specified by the parameter sideband_pos. Please note, that this sideband position is specified as pixel position in the Fourier transform of the input object images (before cropping it to the specified region of interest).
  4. A low pass filter is applied to only select the (centered) side band. For this the spatial frequency of the filter must be specified using the parameter cut_off. The type of filter (hard edge, Butterworth, …) can be specifyed by the parameter filter_func (see description of the parameter).
  5. The filtered side band is cropped to a square region of object_size pixels size (empty_size for reconstruction of the Empty series). Basically the region specified by the roi parameter (see Raw alignment and ROI selection) is rescaled to this size in the reconstructed holograms.
  6. The inverse Fourier transform of the cropped region is calculated.

Within the program the reconstruced object holograms are forwarded to the averaging step. By default the individual holograms are not saved into the output file. When the output_series parameter is true, the aligned ROIs are also saved as dataset series.


The holograms are very sensitive to distortions. These occur when the lateral positions of the microscope’s object plane (or intermediate image plane) are not uniformly mapped to the camera pixels positions. This happens due to electron optical lens aberrations and due to non-perfect fiber optics in the camera. The distortions typically are visible as large-scale phase variations (lens aberrations) and hexagonal patterns (fiber optics) in the holograms.

It is common to correct these distortions by obtaining a second hologram (series) under the same microscope conditions, but with object removed from the field of view. Within the holoaverage program we refer to these holograms as “empty” holograms (see Empty series). The normalization is achieved by a complex-number division of the reconstructed object hologram by the reconstructed empty hologram. This removes the effects of these distortions and also normalizes the amplitude of the holograms (see the discussion on “reference holograms” in [Lehmann02] for details).

For the normalization step the holoaverage program needs a reconstructed empty hologram covering the whole camera area. This reconstructed empty hologram must not have the same pixel size (i.e. empty_size when the empty series is reconstructed) as the input holograms, the program will interpolate the provided reconstructed empty hologram by Fourier padding to the area of the (uncropped) holograms. The actual region of interest as given by parameter roi might change due to specimen drift for the indiviudal holograms over the object series. This drift is registered in the Raw alignment and ROI selection step. The program will normalize the cropped object holograms, by taking the associated raw aligned region from the reconstructed empty hologram.

When the interference pattern does not cover the full ROI of the holograms (especially in the empty hologram), strong artifacts might occur in this normalization step, due to singular values in the division. This artifacts are reduced when during the normalization only the reconstructed phases are normalized, but the reconstructed amplitudes are left as they are. This normalization of only the phases is selected by setting the parameter only_phase to true.

The holoaverage program allows different data to be used for normalization:

  • One possiblity is to use an additional hologram series for this (see Empty series for details).
  • A reconstructed empty hologram can be explicitly provided. This option is selected, by providing a file name containing a reconstructed empty hologram via the empty_override parameter.
  • When the camera distortions are known, they can be passed to the program using the camera_distortions parameter. When synthesize_empty is set to true the program will calculate a suitable reconstructed empty hologram for correction of these distortions instead of using experimental data.
  • When none of the above possibilities is used, no normalization is performed.


While in principle the holograms in a series are obtained under the same experimental conditions, these experimental conditions are not stable over the time needed to obtain the series. In the averaging step some of these experimental fluctuations are registered and the effects of the fluctuations adjusted, such that the holograms after correction can be averaged. Obviously this a-posteriori alignment of the data is the reasoning behind recording a series instead of a single hologram with prolonged exposure.

The tracked and adjusted instabilities are:

  • Biprism drift (corresponds to a change of the global phase of the individual hologram of the series).
  • Hologram contrast (corresponds to a change of the global amplitude of the individual hologram of the series).
  • Specimen drift (adjustment is controlled by the parameter adjust_shift).
  • Defocus drift (adjustment is controlled by the parameter adjust_defocus).
  • Biprism voltage drift (adjustment is controlled by the parameter adjust_tilt).

Most of these fluctuations are adjusted to their average value over the series and eventually all holograms are averaged. For the object series also the variance for each reconstructed pixel is estimaged. For further details on the averaging procedure see [Niermann14].

Additionally, the reconstructed holograms are propagated to the Gaussian defocus (even if adjust_defocus is set to false). The defocus values for the holograms of the object series are given by the parameters defocus_first (defocus of first hologram in the series, underfocus is negative) and defocus_step (defocus increment/decrement between consecutive holograms of the series). If this propagation should not be performed set both parameters to zero, which is also the default value for these parameters.

The averaged reconstructed object series is written to the output file as dataset data, its variance as dataset variance. The averaged reconstructed empty series (if calculated) is stored as dataset empty.

Empty series

For the normalization step a reconstructed empty hologram is needed. The program can reconstruct and average this hologram from a series of empty holograms along side the object-series reconstruction. As this series does not contain an object, no alignment for specimen drift is needed. Thus, no raw alignment step is performed on this series. As the reconstructed empty hologram is expected to cover the whole camera area, also no cropping is performed. In the averaging step, no defocus and drift alignment nor a propagation to a certain focus is performed.

The parameters describing the empty series, empty_names, empty_first, empty_last, empty_exclude, and empty_size, are equivalant to their counterpart for the object series. The averaged reconstructed empty hologram is stored as dataset empty into the output file.

[Meyer02]R.R. Meyer, A. I. Kirkland, O. W. Saxton, A new method for the determination of the wave aberration function for high resolution TEM, Ultramicroscopy 92 (2002) 89
  1. Lehmann, H. Lichte, Tutorial on Off-Axis Electron Holography, Microsc. Microanal. 8 (2002) 447
  1. Niermann, M. Lehmann, Averaging scheme for atomic resolution off-axis electron holograms, Micron 63 (2014) 28


Command Line

A holoaverage command line interface is provided (make sure you’re python distribution’s script directory is in the path).

The holoaverage command line program has the following syntax:

holoaverage [-vV] parameter-file

The parameter file is a JSON file. See section :ref:`sec-parameters` for details.
If "-" is passed as parameter file name, the parameters are read from stdin.

    -v Verbose
    -V Print version number and exit

Examples for parameter file are giben in the :ref:`sec-tutorial`.

Python API

Instead of calling the program on the command line, it can be also directly invoked within python. The parameters are passed as a dictionary object to the following function:

holoaverage.holoaverage(param[, basepath=""][, verbose=0])

Reconstruct averaged holograms. See documentation for parameter description.

  • param (dict) – Dictionary with parameters
  • basepath (str) – All filenames are taken relative to this path (defaults to current directory)
  • verbose (int) – Verbosity level (defaults to 0)